Friday, 7 May 2010

First Autopsy

Today, we witness an autopsy of a patient who has passed away for 3 days. It was very interesting. And it seems gruesome because it was human who is being cut in front of us. We checked on every organ for any sign of abnormality. The patient was diagnosed with :
  1. pneumonia
  2. chronic obstructive pulmonary diesase
  3. heart failure
  4. pulmonary embolism
  5. aortic stenosis
  6. chronic renal failure
  7. atrial fibrillation
  8. stable angina pectoris
  9. diabetes
  10. Benign prostastic hyperplasia
  11. peptic ulcer.
WOW, thats alot there in a patient. We saw the heart being hypertrophied, calcification in the aortic area, cysts in the kidney, red hepatization of the lung due to pneumonia(as a result, the lung look exactly like the liver!), pulmonary edema (water in the lung), huge gallbladder (due to stones). And so much more. It was fun. And it was pretty amazing that we saw it for real and right from the body. However, today we are only witnesses. For the next autopsy, the doctor told us that we will do the job. Caution should always be done because bacteria or virus might spread. For example the hepatitis C and so on. Looking forward for the next one. There was one moment when the ribcage was opened. each rib were cut using some huge scissor-like tool that used in the garden to trim those trees. The sound made from each rib being cut was scary. And each rib were curhed with only one cut! Also, in the beginning the thorax skin area was cut from the clavicle to the jaw, going inwards and scarily, the tongue with the trachea were pulled downwards from the mouth and out from the clavicle cut area. UGHH! No pic for this post because we are not allowed to take any. Besides, i would'nt want to have a picture of the dead, fearing that the sequence in those horror movies might come true. :P
Of course, after the autopsy was done, everything has to be put back into the body and sew back up. Because the family members would want to do funeral.

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